Historical metocean analisys

The metocean conditions of a high performance testing site should be suitably characterized in order to facilitate the decision making of designers and minimize testing risks. In the framework of TRL+ a metocean analysis is performed following the requirements defined in the main international standards of the field to meet the needs of those developers interested in testing in bimep. Therefore, a high resolution metocean characterization of BiMEP has been performed (wind, waves, currents, sea level) using calibrated and validated numerical models. The calibration and validation process was performed using instrumental data of BiMEP metocean buoy.
This metocean characterization will serve to:

  • Design and tune offshore structures for the specific conditions of bimep
  • Design and tune marine energy converters for the specific conditions of bimep
  • Design for survivability to the extreme conditions during devices lifetime/testing time.

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